thanks for being a part of my life. whether you were a reason, just for a season or perhaps for a lifetime.
but i need to tell you this personally. it's kinda pathetic through blog. i wonder when. i can't tell whether now would be the right time. or it's probably too late for me. i'm not gonna expect you to change your mind. no one has the power to do so. i just feel so tied up. i want to free myself early so that when the time comes, it's easier for me to let go.
please don't let me suffer the rest of my life. help me.
but i need to tell you this personally. it's kinda pathetic through blog. i wonder when. i can't tell whether now would be the right time. or it's probably too late for me. i'm not gonna expect you to change your mind. no one has the power to do so. i just feel so tied up. i want to free myself early so that when the time comes, it's easier for me to let go.
please don't let me suffer the rest of my life. help me.
NAKS. :) We can do this Yam! Aja! :D
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